
Part 1 : The first part of This document Is in English

Rules of procedure Haiti Movement Pour La Paix (HAMOPA), is a grouping organization of members with different tasks to perform and especially fundamental principles to respect in the pursuit of common objectives. “This is the organizational space where each of its members must unite its efforts in a formal way to achieve the goal of Haiti Movement Pour La Paix (HAMOPA).

These rules of procedure, established by the board of directors, specify the methods of execution of the present statutes, and must be respected in a complete way by all the world.

Article 1

All members of Haiti Mouvement Pour La Paix (HAMOPA) must be a family. You are agents of peace, and as such, you must all work in perfect communion between you, and in serenity so that everyone can feel this peace shine on his community, and especially in the whole country. Any member suspected of gossiping (tripotaj or zen) within the organization will be severely punished, and is subject to verbal observation, letter of blame, and expulsion.

Article 2.

Use of materials, or the name of the organization the use of Haiti Movement for Peace (HAMOPA) materials for personal purposes is strictly prohibited, for example if the member used the organization’s credit card for personal expenses. In addition, the regular and unauthorized use of the vehicle of the organization constitutes a serious fault, and is initially liable to a verbal observation, and in a second time to a letter of blame, and in case there is persistently, the member in question must be expelled and this, with the support of the central committee of the higher council of the organization.

Article 3. Use of Social Media for Personal Purposes

Article 3-A.

When a Haiti Movement Pour La Paix member uses social media, he is responsible for his actions and comments, and this member must be accountable not only to his victim, but also to the central committee, the commune or the department. it represents.

Article 3-B.

To participate responsibly in the online world, you should follow these tips:

a- Acquire your own social media skills, know the law and technology and possess the skills and judgment to use them appropriately and ethically;

  1. b) Refrain from making derogatory comments about Movement for Peace (HAMOPA) or your co-workers (threats, harassment, profane, obscene, sexually explicit, racist or homophobic remarks, or other offensive comments);

c- Know and follow the organization’s policies regarding the use of personal and professional social media at work, and know how to handle privacy breaches;

d- Do not post any content or speak on behalf of Peace Haiti Mouvement Pour La Paix (HAMOPA) unless you have permission, and always follow the applicable policies of the organization.

e- All members of Haiti Movement Pout La Paix have the duty to promote in an abusive manner all activities (photos, videos, audio spots) of the organization on social networks, especially on the forum WhatsApp and Messenger of HAMOPA.

Article 4. CONFLICTS Article

4-A. Value conflicts: These are differences of opinion brought about by opposing beliefs or tastes, personality types or different social backgrounds. They can disrupt communication and create misunderstandings among the members of Haiti Movement Pour La Paix, or even cause some members to feel isolated and not to participate in the target and common tasks. In order not to hinder the progress of the team’s work, conflicts must be dispelled. Article.

4-B. Conflicts of need arise when some members of Haiti Mouvement Pour La Paix (HAMOPA) experience conflicting or irreconcilable needs. In the organization’s senior council, we define objectives that must be pursued within the organization and we know very well that the sharing of responsibilities often becomes a source of conflict of needs.

Achieving a common task, however, implies the active participation of all and the convergence of everyone’s efforts. For this reason, when a conflict of needs arises, all members of Haiti Movement for Peace must participate in the search for a satisfactory solution; a solution that favors the pursuit of the common task towards reaching the common target.

Special case: the justification of the exchange rate Eligible expenses must be presented in Haitian gourdes to the Managing Authority. Expenses incurred in a currency other than the gourde must be converted into gourdes by the beneficiary. The conversion to gourd shall be made on the basis of the Commission’s daily accounting exchange rate in force on the day on which the expenditure is incurred. Expenses are incurred if the activity that led to the expenditure has been completed or if the services provided have been provided. For example: during a trip, the expense is incurred the day the trip is made. In the case of an order for goods or services, the expense is incurred on the day of delivery.

Fraud There are three types of fraud :

  • Corruption (collusion between several people, conflicts of interest, bribe).
  • The production of fraudulent financial statements or misleading financial information.
  • Misappropriation of assets (theft of property or money).

The most common type of fraud committed by employees is theft of assets belonging to the company for which they work. In this sense, any member of the organization agreeing to interfere in any of these fraudulent activities mentioned above must give clear and clear explanations to the committee, and to the higher council. All cases of fraud are strictly prohibited within Haiti Movement Pour La Paix.

Fraudsters may have:

1- A suspension of 30 to 90 days and liable to the expulsion of fraudsters within the movement.

2- In case of corruption (collusion between several people, conflicts of interest, bribe), if an investigation proves that there was the existence of one of these frauds mentioned, fraudsters must be resigned.

3- In case of the production of fraudulent financial statements or false financial information, theft of goods or money. Fraudsters must not only repay the amounts squandered, but Haiti Movement Pour La Paix (HAMOPA) could appeal to justice for legal consequences.